Captain Pulsar - Gamers Forum
Welcome to the Captain Pulsar forum. Share your views on the character back story and provide tips to fellow gamers on how to progress in the game.
We are also keen to hear your thoughts on what you expect from future levels of difficulty.
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Robertarera says:
Springpad GDocs is an android application for Google Docs. Using this application makes Google docs accessible and editable on the go. The GDocs app allows you to editing applications that allows you to access, view, edit and sync documents stored in a Google Docs account. EverNote allows you to make important notes while in meetings and other work places. Evernote allows you to take notes in form of text, pictures, videos and also audio format. Evernote also helps you save your ideas, inspirations and favorite things to the cloud for future access. Dropbox is the most used file sharing application in micro niche networks. Dropbox allows you to manage files in fully synced folders from desktop and mobile devices. With Dropboxs Android application one can access and share any kind of music and movies by upload the files to the Dropbox account. Jorte GDocs Maintaining a to do list and events is made easy with Jorte application. The application syncs with the calendar and allows you to view all the monthly or weekly calendar and to-do list in a 3 page widget. Astrid EverNote Being effective and organized at work is very important as organized systems have proved to be more productive. In the heap of demanding attentions and numerous gadgets it has become all the more difficult to be productive. Mobile devices can be a distraction unless you have the right apps installed on it to organize your life. Below are few of the best android applications which will increase productivity. Springpad is cool application which allows you to save items to your virtual notebook. It pulls data from related applications, websites and helps you take actions on your lists. Dropbox Astrid gives friendly reminders to help you stay focused and productive. The app is also location-aware and can sync with so it can remind you to buy anything when you are in a specific shopping mall.
12 January, 2018 at 00:52
Ekaterinacreelopep says:
Ребята запускают интернет-магазин с нуля и решили рассказывать обо всех этапах с начала и до результатов. Подписывайся и будь в курсе всех методов продвижения, паблик обещает быть интересным, тем более что бюджет на открытие минимальный!
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06 May, 2017 at 20:29
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